Falcate Brace Jig

Got a new way of doing something? Or maybe an old method that needs some clarification.

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Falcate Brace Jig

Post by kiwigeo » Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:20 am

There are a variety of jigs that people have come up with for making up the laminated falcate braces as per Gore and Gilet's books. Here's mine....basically an MDF form and a metal band clamp. I use King Billy Pine for my braces....it's just a whole lot easier to bend than any other wood I can think of. Prior to gluing up I give the surfaces against which the brace will sit a coat of paste wax. There's also a layer of baking paper under the removable central section of the form. Prior to releasing the brace from the jig I run a thin artists pallet knife between the brace and form to break up any spots where bonding has happened. The glue I use is Techniglue epoxy.

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